Info: 'The Film Grain effect adds a film grain-like texture to the image. An even pattern is added to the darks and midtones of the image. A smoother, more saturated pattern is added to the image's lighter areas.'
Bounds: x1=11, y1=144, x2=266, y2=207
Type: 8
Info: 'Grain: Move the slider towards 0 to give a finer density (less "grainy"), or towards 20 to give a coarser density (more "grainy").Highlight Area: Move the slider towards 0 to have fewer areas affected by white highlights, or towards'
Bounds: x1=11, y1=204, x2=265, y2=255
Type: 8
Info: '20 to have more areas affected by white highlights.Highlight Intensity: Move the slider towards 0 to make the highlights less intense, or towards 10 to make them more intense.'